Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Hiding in Plain Sight

How in the world can a huge hairy 8 foot tall bipedal primate able to stay hidden from us?

That my friends is a million dollar question.  You would think that these primates would have been officially discovered hundreds of years ago.  I know that they exist because of my investigations.  I have first hand knowledge of them.  I have seen, smelled and heard them.  My investigations have lead me to several conclusions about why they are so elusive.  I feel that they have evolved to stay hidden and it is in their DNA.  How can that be possible?  As any species evolves there are certain characteristics, instincts and physical factors that develop to help them survive.  This bipedal primate evolved through the years to stay hidden from humans.  They are very good at it but they are not quite a 100% hidden from our society.  The Native American stories and visual sightings give us glimpses of this elusive primate.

  • 8 feet tall and black.  An average person such as myself would think the size and color would be a hindrance to them.  That is not the case.  Black becomes a shadow in the forest.  The size makes the shadow become part of the rock, tree or environment very easily.
  • Big flat footed feet with a mid tarsal break.  This adaptation is ingenious.  This foot is able to move around in the uneven and brush-filled forest with ease.  I feel that this type of foot is harder to track because of these characteristics.  Not impossible but harder.
  • Eyes that glow or shine.  To some this seems far fetched but this adaptation is real.  I have seen it many times.  This helps to navigate the forest in the dark.
  • Zapping or sizzling that is electrical and/or infra-sound based.  My opinion is that it is both.  Since I have been sizzled before my impression that it is electrical based but also felt it was also infra-sound based.  This is a practical defensive mechanism for our forest friends to use from a distance but not pleasant for the recipient.
  • Sounds and smells detected by people that compels them to leave without ever seeing anything.  Now that is a great defensive mechanism to deploy without confrontation.  Smart. 
  • Geography of the environment that they live in.  That alone is a big factor on why they are so elusive.  If you have been exploring where I have then you would understand.  There is a reason why there are reports of lost/missing people in our forests.  Also the sheer size of the forest makes it easy for them to hide.  Needle in a haystack is a good description of investigating Sasquatch.
  • Their intelligence is the number one reason why they have been so successful in hiding from us.  They are primates.  They can think things through.  They can process ideas.  They can problem solve.  Just these characteristics alone would make it hard to find them.  So when you are setting up a trail cam they are more than likely watching and why bother?  They will avoid or trigger it without being seen.  They are human smart.    
Even now if you want to go see mountain gorillas more than likely you will be unsuccessful.  If you hire a knowledgeable guide then you have a 25% chance to see one.  Snow leopards are even harder to find.  It took several National Geographic professional wildlife photographers 2 years to film 20 minutes of a snow leopard.

Our media is very misleading about our wildlife.  Just by watching the shows on T.V, it gives you the impression of ease.  Most of those shots took months and sometimes years to be able to produce enough footage for the show.  The reality is that our wildlife is hard to document in the wild.  It is hard work for a little bit of result.

Now you factor that into the equation along with Sasquatch's characteristics and adaptations then it does make sense on why they are so good at eluding us.  The most important reason on why they are able to hide from us is because of us.  We won't use our intelligence to problem solve this primate.  We can put a man on the moon but we cannot figure out a bipedal primate living in our forest.  This is because we refuse to recognize another human smart being that is as intelligent as us and won't factor this into the equation.  This is not a wolf, bear or other mammal that we are familiar with.  We need to look at commonalities and logistics that are reported about this species and then try something new.  WE NEED TO THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX.

Are you smarter than an average Sasquatch?  Probably not. 

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

What should our society do once this bipedal primate gets official recognition?  Will we have to restructure our whole forest system because of this species?  Will we lose the right to use our woods and forest?  Do we as a society have to domesticate them?  What is our obligation?

The reality of these questions will need to be answered soon.  It is only a matter of time.  I know they exist and I am pretty sure there are some officials in our park system who also know.  Why the denial is beyond me.

The answer to the pressing questions is to leave them alone.  Protect them from harm by making it illegal to hunt or kill them and then let them be.  For hundreds of years they have adapted to avoid us.  To allow them their own choice and to protect their right to live is the right choice.  Beyond that will probably be their downfall.  My hope is that this plays out the right way so this is a win-win scenario for all.


Saturday, December 14, 2013

I had mentioned in a previous post that I started out as an arm chair researcher.  One of the benefits to doing background researching on the subject of BigFoot was getting a general knowledge of them.  This general knowledge gave me clues on behavior, characteristics, visual descriptions and habitat.  These clues were crucial in helping in my investigations.  In fact I still use this information.  Obtaining facts and comparing what I have collected/seen is a very important aspect of my investigations.  This is crucial if you want to be accurate and evidence driven in this endeavor.

The reason I mention this is because of what I read while reading hundreds of reports and sightings that happened in Canada and United States.  More I read more I saw patterns of similarities.  A picture of an unique bipedal primate was becoming clear to me.  I was seeing great ape and human characteristics.  Some of the things was a bit unnerving.  Mock charging, breaking trees, throwing rocks, screams, glowing eyes, peeking in windows and doors, dogs with unusual reactions or hurt/killed and terrible smell.  This is not all but these stand out in my mind.  The reports and sightings seemed at first to be unbelievable or impossible but when you factor in the sheer number of them, similarities and locations it make them compelling.  Some could be hoaxes but not all.  There are too many for that to happen logistically.

When I started my investigations I never dreamt that some of these characteristics or behaviors would be experienced by me.  I guess I wasn't thinking of that aspect when I started.  All I knew was that I wanted to sleep in the middle of a BIG tent.  I will admit that I was nervous and second guessed myself many times but it never stopped me from doing this.  This endeavor is too fantastic and rewarding.

  • I have had rocks thrown at me.  Both times at night.  The one time I had seen eye shine just before the rock was thrown.  I have no doubt who threw the rocks.  The time and location made it no doubt.
  • At 3:30 am small pebbles were thrown at the SIDE of the tent.  Not the top.  In the other tent 2 other investigators heard it too.
  • Heard bipedal steps outside the tent and then the side of the tent was hit right by my head.  This was at 5:00 am.
  • I had one run right by me.  It was so close I probably could have reached out and touched it.  The moon was suddenly covered when this happened.   It sounded like a football player ran by me.  A little too close.
  • I have been growled at on 2 occasions.
  • I have been grunted at.
  • While using my facility tent heard bipedal footsteps walking around me.  It ran off when I stood up.
  • Within 50 feet saw eye shine that kept changing colors and was walking towards me.
These incidents were a few that were a bit unnerving.  I now know that I am not the screaming type of gal.  In fact I am becoming a bit fearless.  FYI-I think they were trying to see how I would react.  Not hurt me.

My point is this:
If there is no such thing as a Sasquatch/BigFoot.  How do you explain what happened to me?  After each incident I examined the surroundings and analyzed the events as carefully as possible.  Mistaken identification and misrepresentation means absolutely nothing.  I want real evidence and nothing else. 



Thursday, November 28, 2013

What do you think of these pictures?  I see the similarities.  Do you?  Each of these pictures are at least 50 plus miles apart.

These tree structures are what I would call tee pee structures.  I see them in certain areas with other structures close by.  In fact when I come across one of these I am looking for other structures as well.  Almost every time I have found the other structures.  I suspect they mean this is my home to other Sasquatch. 

Too weird?  Am I imagining this?

If you look at some of ancient structures made there are similarities with them.  The shape, size and location have many similarities even though they are found on different continents.  Why?

As humans we have the same instincts and human characteristics.  It is not uncommon to see this over and over even when they are thousands of miles apart.  You expect that because we are human.  This is the same with animals too.  Why would this be different for Sasquatch?  If anything it continues to prove their existence since we are finding the same physical evidence of them in different locations.

To me the evidence I collect continues to re-enforce what I already know:  WE HAVE A SPECIES OF BIPEDAL PRIMATES LIVING IN OUR WOODS AND FORESTS HERE IN NORTH AMERICA.

So my friends it is a no brainer about this issue.  Go ahead and do some research it will surprise you.  I dare you.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

I have in the past talked about the eye shine that is Sasquatch related.  I feel that it is an important adaptation of them.  This is one area that is so unique and special that makes you wonder.  I do not know of another primate that has this ability but I feel that it is a viable and believable adaptation for them.  There are other species on earth that adapted to use electricity such as eels and fish in a unique way.  If you can find it in nature then it is possible.  All species including us generate electricity.  Apparently there are some that have evolved and adapted to use this energy to their advantage.

The big question-Why?

If you are nocturnal, a hunter and live in an environment that is densely forested then using electricity would make sense.  Why do we use flashlights?

It is such a wonder when you see the eye shine.  This past year I have seen this eye shine on many occasions at different places.  I have seen them dim and close to the ground; moving while looking at me; see one then two.  Some so bright I saw the outline of the head and shoulders.  Recently close within 50 feet I had seen the top outline of the head while moving towards me and changing colors from white to red and then white.  Several times at different locations I have seen them change colors from white to green to red and then white.

What is amazing is that there was no lights or flashlights used anywhere in the area which is in the middle of the forest.  What you see is not a reflection of light but a projection of light aimed at you.  They looked like LED lights.  The colors I have seen have been white, blue, green and red.  Several times I have seen all those colors from one eye shine but mostly white.

Why have I mention this aspect of Sasquatch several times now in my blog?  I feel strongly that this adaptation should be viewed as one of their physical characteristics.  This is a unique adaptation that needs further study.  I am still amazed and awed every time I have the privilege to see this in action while out investigating.

Please remember that the animals from Australia were so unique and different when discovered that many in the science community refused to believe them.  They dissected them to make sure that someone did not sew bits and pieces together thinking they were hoaxes. 


Our world is still mysterious and have many undiscovered stuff just waiting for us to discover.  Keeping an open mind and having the drive to discover the mysteries is still needed.  So go ahead and research the mystery of Sasquatch.  This addictive mystery will compel you to discover more about this amazing bipedal primate.

So my friends I will continue to state why there are bipedal primates in our woods and forest.  I know they are in there.  DO YOU?

Sunday, October 13, 2013

This blog was set up to state my reasons why there are Sasquatch in our woods and forests here in North America.  In my past posts I have tried to use sound reasons and evidence to back up this blog.  I have challenged our science community to at least look into this mystery even if it is to prove that they are not real but just a figment of people's imagination. 

I know there are people out there perpetuating hoaxes and some who are outright lying about this issue.  My stance is based on what I have personally found, seen and heard this past 2 years.  Just with what I have found, seen and heard leaves no doubt but a definite knowledge that there is a bipedal primate lurking in our woods and forests. 

With this in mind I have the below photos for you to look at.  At first glance you would think it is possible that this is BigFoot related but with a closer inspection it is apparent that it isn't.  Not everything I find is BigFoot related.  In fact most of what I find is not.  What I have collected that point to BigFoot over the past 2 years is only a very small percentage of things I have looked at.  These photos were taken while out investigating this past weekend.  The reason I did take the pictures so I would have a reference to show the difference.

The truth will set you free.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Knowledge will Set You Free

For almost 2years I have been actively searching for Sasquatch.  I went from being an arm chair researcher to boots on the ground researcher.  I started out doing this by myself to now being part of a wonderful group of like-minded researchers. I have scars of my tumbles trying traverse the rugged and steep terrains that the elusive bipedal primate likes to reside in.  My pocketbook is stretched thin because this is not a cheap endeavor.  My wardrobe is mostly jeans and camo.  My world revolves around the weekend and sometimes a week here and there camping in the mountains.  Once I discovered sleeping cots, now enjoy very basic and rustic camping.  Learned that not everything you see and hear is BigFoot related.  In fact most of what you see and hear is not BigFoot.

Why I bring these up is to make the point that this is a hard endeavor with not much return.  My reward is the 19 inch print down by the stream or seeing 3 Sasquatch come in to peek at what I and 3 other people was leaving for them to eat.  Or the friendship of fellow researchers.  If this was easy then there would be no mystery or questions about this amazing bipedal primate.

I have no doubt about the existence of an eight foot tall, hairy bipedal primates residing here in our woods and forests.  I have seen, smelled and heard them.  I have seen physical evidence of their presence.  It is not a belief but a knowledge.

I would not have spent my time or money on an endeavor such as this unless it is true.  In fact within the first 6 months if I had no results, I would have quit this endeavor.  My analytical and practical mind would not have wanted to continue to do something that had no credible evidence.

So before you dismiss or ridicule my knowledge, I contend that you have no basis to do this unless you have done what I have done.  This endeavor was not a weekend here or there but being out in the field almost every weekend seeking the truth.


Saturday, September 21, 2013

It has been an eye opener for me since going out and investigating this amazing bipedal primate.  It has made me go from believing to knowing that they are in our woods and forests here in North America.  This journey of discovery has made me a better person by opening my eyes to the wonders and possibilities of our world.  Nature will find a way whether our science community wants it or not.

What a journey it has been!  At first looking for information on the possibility.  I was shocked at the sheer volume found.  Then personally finding physical evidence such as prints, hair, tree breaks and nests.  To now actually seeing them.  Seeing eye shine so bright that I saw the outline of the head and shoulders and then recently seeing them watch me on 3 separate occasions at different locations.

When I hear from others about the lack of evidence of this primate, it indicates to me the ignorance of the person uttering the statement.  It is there waiting for anyone who is curious, daring and willing to find out.  I don't expect or want people just to believe me.  My solid evidence is enough to get a person to think of the possibility.  Just ask my husband.  He was a complete non-believer over a year ago.  He is not one today.  Just by going with me out investigating convinced him.  The evidence did it not me. 

This shy, human-smart primate is out there waiting for you to discover it.  Go ahead and seek.  What you will find is an amazing being called Sasquatch/BigFoot. 

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Absence of evidence is
not evidence of absence.

~Dr. Carl Sagan~
Just because we do not have a body to prove the existence of Sasquatch does not mean that there is no such thing as a Sasquatch.  There are many things that we take for real but we are not able to see.  Such as air.  We can feel or hear it but we can not see it. 
I have heard a Sasquatch run right by me and I did not see it.  Does it mean that the one that ran by me did not do this?  I heard what sounded like a very large heavy bipedal much like a football player  run very close to me.  If I reached out I probably would have touched it.  This is in the middle of no where in a national forest. 
Or maybe the time I was in my tent at 5am laying on my cot hearing a bipedal walking by me and then hit the side of the tent right by my head.
Or the time that a 9 inch rock was hurtled from the forest and landed within 10 feet of me.
These moments happened and how do you explain them that makes sense?  You can what if anything but lets get real.  Outlandish suppositions is not what happened.  I know that a bipedal primate called Sasquatch that did these things.  I have no doubt. 
Aerodynamically, the bumble bee shouldn't be able to fly,
but the bumble bee doesn't know it so it goes on flying anyway."
~Mary Kay Ash~

Sunday, September 1, 2013

My question to you:

Why is it hard to accept the possibility that there is a primate here in North America?

The woods and forest here can sustain a primate.  Even one as big as 8 feet tall.  When you look at the primates in Africa and Asia, the possibilities are possible.  The geography and climate of Africa and Asia is comparable enough for the possibility here in North America.  The land bridge between Russia and Alaska allowed people to come.  Why not another primate such as Sasquatch?  We have oral history from Native Americans about them.

If you are saying that because we don't have a body there is no way there is a bipedal primate.  There may be several factors on why no body has been found so far by our society.  One is the sheer size of where they live combined with their relatively small numbers is one major possibility.  The other is that our woods and forest has an efficient cleaning system in place to recycle dead animals as quickly as possible.  My last possibility is the remote locations of where they are living.

If they are human smart as I suspect, there may be other factors too.  They have evolved to stay elusive from our society.  With this in mind, maybe they hide their dead from us?  It would make sense.  If they don't want us to know about them and is human smart, then it is possible for them to figure out to hide their dead from us.

We are still finding out more about the animals we know about.  Look at the facts about animals a hundred years ago to what we have now.  It would make sense that we do not know everything and should be open to more possibilities as our science continues to expand their knowledge.

The day we are absolute in our knowledge of our earth and the contents will be the day we will be proven wrong.  Instead of trying to be absolute we should be open to the possibilities.

Go ahead and try to prove scientifically that there are no possibilities of a bipedal primate.  This endeavor will probably surprise you.  The signs and current evidence does point to one living in our forests and woods.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

There have been people who will say that there is no possible way that we could have a bipedal primate because the environment cannot support one much less a group of them.  Most people who use this argument have not done their research into the environment of our woods and forest here in North America or primate behaviors.  We have enough space and an eco-system varied enough to support them.  They are opportunistic eaters.  In other words if it is edible they will eat it.  Much like a bear. 

The Native Americans and early settlers have lived off the land.  It is possible to do this.  What our forest friends have to their advantage is the possession of cunning human smart intelligence.  Another big advantage any primate has is the ability to adapt to the conditions of their environment.  If supplies are low then they will go where there is food sources.  Rural communities have for many years reported seeing them.  Garbage cans, dumps, pet food left on porches, gardens and domesticated livestock are all available.  Using stealth and keeping to the shadows is their specialty.  Their biggest advantage is not being "real".  They are in a survival mode of existence.  They will do what they need to do in order to survive.

I like it when so called experts will throw out what they call valid reasons of why there isn't a bipedal primate here in North America.  This so-called valid reason of the environment not able to support them is not so valid once you look at the facts.

I am debunking one reason at a time.  Too bad our science community will not take the time to actually look at the mystery of Big Foot.  Even to try to scientifically debunking it would be more professional than throwing out ridiculous reasons of why there is no Big Foot.       

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Aside from my faith in God as a Christian and my family, I have 2 great passions in my life.  One is the welfare of children and the mystery of Big Foot.  Now you must be wondering why these two passions and if there is a reason.

I feel strongly that all children are our future.  We have a moral obligation to protect and nurture them to the best of our abilities.  Our society has not done what is best for all our children and it should be a priority.  It is time for us to stand up and be their voice.

"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." ~Martin Luther King, Jr

A wise and smart man.  Too bad his life was taken before his time.  His voice was what our country needed to hear whether we wanted to hear it or not.  Hate and bigotry is a waste of time, emotions and efforts.  It is much better to spend our time on good things such as tolerance of the differences in our culture. 

The reason I bring this up is because I feel we are on the edge of officially discovering Big Foot.  There are many in the field that are diligently trying to bring about this discovery.  I have mixed emotions about this.  The main reason I have the mixed emotions is by looking back at how our society has handled big discoveries or big events.  Our track record is downright horrible.  Our society is more into the sensational and the big news than anything else.  What could happen to this shy, elusive bipedal primate scares me.

I have done my research and have found enough evidence to convince me that there is a bipedal primate here in North America.  I have no doubt.  Would I share certain evidence such as a real good photo of one or a video is a real dilemma.   My love of discovery has been surpassed by my feelings of protectiveness towards this species.  I will cross that hurdle when it happens. 

I challenge anyone who has an open mind to go research this fascinating mystery.  Just reading the sightings reported by ordinary folks like you or me will make you want to read more.  Looking at the evidence collected by groups out there will make you think.  Reading the stories from Native Americans and First Nations People will grab your attention.

Go ahead and expand your world to the possibilities.

Yes, there is a bipedal primate out there that is 8 feet tall and hairy.  Probably peeking at you while you are picnicking or camping.  The rustle in the bushes at a local state or federal park may have one coming in for a closer look.  Just remember that I told you about them.  Try not to scream when you see one. 

Saturday, July 20, 2013

If you have done any Big Foot research or have read eye witness accounts, you may have heard about eyes glowing.  The Native Americans have made references and also people in the 1800 and 1900's have stated about seeing glowing eyes.  This is one of those references that seem unbelievable.  It seems to be unnatural to us.  In the past posts I have stated that if it happens in nature somewhere then it is possible.  We have examples of fish, eels and insects generating electricity to glow or to zap.  They have evolved and adapted to use electricity that all living things make as energy.  To say it is impossible for a primate to do this is not for us to make assumptions about.  Our world has time and time again has proven our assumptions wrong.  Instead of dismissing this assumption our science community should be looking into this possibility even to prove it wrong.

The reason I bring this up again is to discuss what I have witnessed several times while out investigating Big Foot.  As a person who values tangible proof and evidence this is one area that I have to use eye witness accounts including myself.  I have no tangible evidence such as a photo for what I have personally witnessed.  Whether you choose to believe is up to you.  I am secure in what I have seen to believe that it is possible.  Let me go into detail of what I have seen.  This happened at the same location at 4 different times.  It is in a National Forest where people do not live.  Hours away from any major city and over 25 miles from any town.  It is remote and a wilderness area.

The first time was in March.  It had snowed a couple of days before we went there.  The only tracks were our cars going into that location.  We were around the campfire one night.  I kept seeing a set of glowing lights close to the ground.  They would flicker from red to white.  They reminded me of twinkling stars or LED lights only close to the ground.  One of the investigators walked over there.  They went bright red and then white.  At one point I saw 3 separate set of lights.  Then they were gone.  When you walked over to where I saw them it was just the forest.  No cars or houses.  We were the only ones in there.  ??

The second time was the first week in June.  We had some family friends visit and wanted to go.  We went to a known spot where eye shine has been seen.  Again I saw twinkling lights that would go from red to white.  Sometimes when one of the investigators talked they would go bright and then back to the twinkling shine.  We saw this to the right of us, in front and to our left.  ???

The third time was at the end of June on Summer Solstice.  We went down to the known area again.  Almost immediately we saw eye shine.  We also saw a glow that resembles what you would see from cities from a distance at night only there is no city there, it was much closer, it was in the forest and not on the horizon.  At one point the other investigator said there was eye shine right behind me, big and about 4 feet above me.  I am only 5'4"!  I had heard something behind me and I also had seen big eye shine a few minutes before in front of me.  It had moved behind me and was close!  On this night I had seen what I would call amazing eye shine.  The eye shine was so bright that I saw the outline of the head and shoulders.  This eye shine was moving!  This happened 3-4 times.  When spoken to, the eye shine would get even bigger, sometimes change colors and then go back.  I could tell when they moved their heads.  I would see 2, then one and then 2 again.  ????

The fourth time was just over a week ago.  My husband wanted to go.  We went down to the known area again.  We saw eye shine but it was more like what was seen in March and the first part of June.  We saw up to 3 sets of eye shine but it was not the amazing bright eye shine seen 3 weeks before.  Still it was something to see.  ????? 

Before you dismiss what I have witnessed, let me tell you that I have walked over to where the eye shine had been seen to check.  It was just the forest.  No campsites or people or houses anywhere.  I am the type of person who wants real evidence.  Made up, imagined or false facts is not what I am about.  To prove the existence of this amazing bipedal primate, I will only present real facts and what I have truly witnessed.  Nothing else.  I don't have time for anything else.  And in the end it doesn't help and would hurt my research.

So I hope I have given you something to think about.  My research through found physical evidence such as prints, hair and tree structures and also what I have witnessed have pointed to a bipedal primate living here in the woods and forest of Colorado.  


Friday, July 5, 2013

Similar Big Foot evidence found hundreds of mile apart in Colorado.

This blog was designed to have you think outside the box, question the science community and to look at the real evidence that is waiting for you to ponder about the mystery of Big Foot.  As a person who loves to solve puzzles and research mysteries I hope I have compelled you to do this.  I like to look at all the facts and let the facts speak for themselves.  There are 3 things that jumped out to me when I started my research into the mystery of Big Foot.  One-They are in every state except Hawaii.  Two-there are some real compelling evidence from credible witnesses.  Three-The similarities of certain information in the sightings and reports that spans hundreds of years.  Starting with the Native Americans through modern times.

Through my research and my own physical searching I have drawn the conclusion that there are bipedal primates living in the woods and forest of North America.  I know they are there.  How they have been able to elude our mainstream society for hundreds of years cannot be explained by me.  The only answer I have is that they are related to both great apes and human and that may be the key.  They are human smart and have evolved to remain out of sight of our human world.  Only a lucky few have had the privilege to have some type of interaction with this elusive primate.

In the month of June I have had the distinct privilege to experience finding similar evidence in 2 different locations hundreds of miles apart.  As the person who collected this evidence I know where they were found and saw both pieces of evidence with my eyes.  There was no chance this was mistaken identity or a fabrication.

At the beginning of June, I was out investigating with some others when some black hair was found.  It was collected by me.  I measured and took pictures of it.  There is no doubt it is hair and not fur. 

At the end of June while looking at a known Big Foot resting spot, I found a black hair.  This location is hundreds of miles apart from the other location.

What are the odds of finding similar evidence in a forest setting hundreds of miles apart?  Since I know the circumstances of both locations I know it was extreme luck that this happened.  I should have bought a lottery ticket.

Both hairs have taper ends.  You can see that the ends have never been cut like you would see in human hair.  Bear fur is much shorter and thicker.  I cannot think of another living being in the forest who would have hair and is black.

Let the evidence speak for itself.  This is one of those compelling pieces that has helped to convince me about Big Foot. 


Monday, June 17, 2013

 According to Wikipedia, "The Yeti may be considered a sort of parallel myth to the Big Foot of North America."

I have a problem with Wikipedia's conclusion about the Yeti and Big Foot.  Instead of researching and examining the evidence, they have done what any institution that is in the business to teach should not do.  They had only examined one aspect of a subject or used someone else's analysis without researching and drew an erroneous conclusion.  If they have done what I did then their conclusion would be a lot different.

Both the indigenous people of the Himalayan region, Native Americans of the United States and the First Nations of Canada have rich oral history of this bipedal primate.  It is part of their culture, history and mythology.  In certain regions of the indigenous people of both continents there are distinct differences in their perception of the bipedal primate.  In North America the further west you go it is seen as more a flesh and blood being.  In the eastern part of North America they are seen more as a sign and mythical being.  In the Himalayan bipedal primate the more south you go the more mythical being versus the northern area where they are seen as a being with more human characterizations.  All of them regard them as a living being and part of their world.  The myth part may be explained as an explanation of what they did not know.  Like their legends explaining how certain things happen and why.  It is not wrong but a way for them to understand their world and how they and others live in it.

In the 1800's the indigenous people of central Africa talked about the "Bush Man".  The descriptions, oral history and stories almost parallel the Yeti in Asia and Big Foot in North America.  If history has taught us anything it has taught us that it will repeat itself again and again.  Why are we still doing this?  In the 1920's the gorilla was finally discovered by our world.  Of course it was already discovered and known by the locals.  The so-called experts refused to listen to the natives saying that it was fear and superstition. 

We have oral history ourselves in regards to the bipedal primate.  The sightings and reports made to certain Big Foot organizations continue to be recorded.  In the 1800's a pioneer wrote in his journal about coming across huge bare foot prints in the dead of winter.  In 1951 while attempting to scale Mount Everest, Eric Shipley took photographs of a number of large prints in the snow.  I personally have found a 16, 17 and 19 inch prints.  The list can go on. 

Why do the so-called experts and our society jump to the conclusion that the Yeti and Big Foot is a myth?  Or that it is the superstitions and fears of uneducated or simple folks?  My conclusion to that question is that our science community and society feel it is too bizarre to be actually true.  Anything that bizarre can't be true.  I have heard and read many experts say that simple people or the uneducated have vivid imaginations and let their superstitions color what they saw or heard.  Of course the experts have all the answers to our world, nature and science.  The first mistake any educated person with this mindset is narrowing our world to predictable conclusions.  If anything our world and the surrounding universe is a wonderful mysterious place just waiting for more exploration.  Science answers the questions of our world but is not the absolute answer to our world.  The day we draw absolute conclusions about nature and science is just asking for Pandora's Box to be opened.  When the pictures and writings about the platypus was sent to England it was dismissed as a hoax.  Sound familiar?  They had to send an actual specimen there to prove their existence.  The experts were so sure it had been sewn together that they dissect it to prove it was a hoax.

I know there are people out there that are perpetuating Big Foot hoaxes.  You can't dismiss all for a few.  If you look at what has been collected and reported you will find a certain pattern of similarities that should not be evident in hoaxes, superstitions and fears.  It is that pattern that had me look closer. 

Science cannot solve the ultimate mystery of nature.  And that is because in the final analysis, we ourselves are a part of the mystery that we are trying to solve.   -Max Planck  

Saturday, June 8, 2013

It has been reported by people for many years that Big Foot eyes glow or light up at night.  Even some of the Native Americans have made reference to this.  If this so-called non-exist species is not real why is there documented stories and oral history on this specific phenomena? 
Many people feel that this phenomena of glowing or lit-up eyes seen at night is too fantastic to be real.  My contention is if it happens in nature somewhere else then it is possible.  We have fish that glow in the deep ocean.  How do you explain that?  We have eels that shock.  We do have examples of other living things doing this phenomena.  It just seems too fantastic because we are saying a primate is able to do this and not a fish.  It does not say anywhere in nature that only fish are able to do this.  Evolving and adaptations are done with all species for specific reasons.  Big Foot having eyes that light up to see in the dark would make sense for adaptation to hunt in woods and forests.
Instead of automatically dismissing many of the things that are related to Big Foot, people need to actually look at what has been gathered about this amazing bipedal primate.  There is more good information and evidence on this primate than most people realize.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

My question to you:

"If there is no such thing as a Big Foot.  Why am I able to go into areas using data obtained over many years that points to the presence of them and find physical evidence?"

I had some family friends come in this week and wanted to go squatching.  With other investigators we went into an area that has been visited many times for the last 5 years.  While there we ventured into a new area and experienced many things that points to their presence.

If they are not real we would not be finding evidence such as a foot print or hair.  How do you explain this?  If my imagination is seeing what I want to see then the prints, structures and other physical signs should not be found.  I have seen and heard many things that I can't prove and many would say I think I saw/heard it.  But when you combine both the physical and what I have seem/heard it is hard to point to it being my imagination.

I am a skeptic at heart.  The reason I started to look for the evidence of Big Foot is because I wanted to see the evidence first hand and not from other people.  I know what I have collected/seen/heard and experienced.  With this and what others have investigated have convinced me that there is a bipedal primate in our woods and forest.  There is not another explanation that would answer what I have investigated other than a Big Foot.

Many may believe but I know that Big Foot does reside in our woods and forest in North America.  Whether you believe what I know doesn't matter because I have the evidence that proves it.   

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

In a court of law the evidence that has so far have been collected by researchers and the testimony of credible eye witnesses would lead to a conviction.  Much of what has been collected by researchers would be considered circumstantial evidence.  It is valid in our court system.  Why should our  circumstantial evidence not be considered by the science community?  Prints and hair samples are physical evidence that should have at least have the science community study the possibilities of a bipedal primate here in North America.  Testimony of credible eye witnesses such as biologists, rangers and law enforcement should have the science community take notice.  It doesn't matter if the media or hoaxers have made this mystery sensational.

It will only be a matter of time before the "discovery" of Big Foot happen.  Groups such as Sasquatch Investigations of the Rockies and others have been modifying and adapting their research to what they have been finding.  I think the main reason why they have not be formally discovered in the past is because people have preconceived ideas of them.  Just by the sheer lack of success shows that this is correct.  When there is something highly intelligent, resourceful and elusive evading almost with ease from people for 400+ years, then it must be different.  How and why it is different needs to be analyzed to find out the possibilities.   Using the same techniques and research is not working. 

I am trying not to let my research be narrowed down to my preconceived idea of what is Big Foot.  Already that perception has changed and it continues to be modified on a consistent basis.  I have decided to use my evidence in a broad way and let it lead me where to I need to go.

The challenge to you and others is to look at all possibilities and not to let others make your decisions.  There is enough out there to warrant a real investigation into the possibility of a bipedal primate in our woods and forests.  I know they are there and it is time for you find out too.  

Friday, May 17, 2013

It is always interesting when people will try to second guess what you find while out investigating.  I have found tracks of prints in the same location about 1-2 months apart.  The tracks found were in the human size range but the characteristics of the prints pointed to Big Foot instead of human prints.  Instead of looking at the evidence and asking clarifying questions, the naysayers have an automatic answer to the prints found. 

I am aware that there are shoes that have toes.  Whenever I encounter prints in the human size range I will look for the tread marks and stride pattern.  When found in mud or powdery soil it is easy to detect.  When I have found prints that could be either I am incline to think human.  I have nothing to gain if I use misleading or false evidence.  I don't have time or the interest to do this.

I would like for you to look carefully at the 2 pictures of prints that I have found over this past year.  Can you tell which is human and the other is Big Foot?

I am a person who is trying to prove the existence of Big Foot.  Using false and misleading evidence will not help my endeavor.  I already know they are real and out there.  I'm just backing up my knowledge with my evidence. 
In case you don't know the answer to my question, the top picture is the human print.  When you compare and can see the difference then it is obvious.  If you are not able to then it probably is not.  But in this case you can see the differences.
The only problem I have with people second guessing me is the attitude of "It must be false because there are shoes with toes" without really looking at the evidence.  An automatic mindset of this nature is never a good measure of a person's persona.  Close-minded people have made this world small and dark.  Our world is full of color, wonder and mystery just waiting to be discovered.  I hope I am the type of person who is willing to open my mind to the possibilities of this world.   


Monday, May 6, 2013

You may not realized it but our society has been hinting at the extistence of Big Foot for 100+ years.  Are you wondering how I know this?  Look at the names of places in areas that are known for Big Foot activity.

Big Foot has been described as dark shapes that move quickly; ungodly screams or sounds; hairy; look similar to a gorilla; moves around at night; glowing eyes and on 2 feet. 

Here in Colorado we have Devil's Head which is the above picture.  Why would it be called Devil's Head if not for Big Foot?  When I moved here from Michigan almost 15 years ago this was pointed out to me as a known landmark for the area.  I was told it looked like an Indian laying down.  I always wondered why it was called Devil's Head when the description was an Indian in a headdress laying down?  That area you see in the picture is one of the hot beds of Big Foot activity here in Colorado.  Now it makes sense to me why it was named this.

We have a Monkey Creek in The Lost Wilderness area.  Why would we have a creek with this name?  It doesn't look like a monkey.  There has been reported sightings around that area.

We have a Devil's Canyon in Pike National Forest.  Why?  It is also in a location with known Big Foot activity.

Phantom Creek in Pike National Forest.  Why?  Again there have been reported Big Foot activity in that area.

With this in mind you may want to look where you live and research names that describe Big Foot or behavior.  You may be in for a surprise.

Monday, April 29, 2013


Have you ever wonder about the bumps in the night?
I know what they are.
Do You?
Over the weekend I went through some ghost/haunting data that have occurred here in Colorado and was reported by various people to authorities.  In many cases several were reported over a period of time that were similar both in location and what was saw/heard/felt.  The reason I went through the data was to see if some could be contributed to Big Foot activity.  The simple facts are that Big Foot likes to move around late at night, scream/howl/growl loudly, shake/break/knock on trees, peek in windows, huge, bipedal, glowing eyes, coloring is dark but sometimes gray.  All of these factors may point to Big Foot activity and not necessarily ghost or haunting activity. 
In many regions of the country children were told to watch out for the boogie man or the booger man or the grass man or the Foulk Monster.  These legends may in fact be Big Foot related and not people's superstitions.  My mind boggles at this.  To think that the stories my grandma told me about the boogie man may in fact be based on fact of a real being. 
I have come to conclusion that people no matter the status in society, age, where they live or level of education know what they saw/heard/felt.  It is not my place to tell someone what they saw/heard/felt.  To dismiss what they have experienced is wrong and shame on anyone who does this.  Investigate the possibility.  Go where the evidence leads you.  It may surprise you.
To say nothing surprises you any more means that you have shut the door on the mysteries and the unknown still to be discovered here on earth.  Anything is possible.  
Where would we be if the early explorers listened to the experts when it was common knowledge that the earth was flat? 
Or that there was no such thing as a giant squid?  

Friday, April 19, 2013

My love of nature and science started in my childhood. T.V. shows, magazines and books fueled my interest of all things about the natural world.  I soaked up and devour as much as possible. I am amazed of what and how living things have adapted to survive on earth. The many documentations of these adaptations have helped point to the possibilities of some of the things that have been observed and documented about BigFoot. My contention is if it is seen in nature by another living thing that it is possible for BigFoot to have that adaptation. Nature will find a way.
  • Howling, screaming and whooping is great ape characteristics.
  • Chimpanzees and gorillas have been seen mock charging, throwing rocks, hitting trees and breaking trees.
  • Foraging, eating whatever is available and using utensils/tools to get ants/termites are all great ape and primate behaviors.
  • Building nests has been seen by great apes.
  • Problem solving, adapting, curiosity, learning from other sources and manipulating the environment is primate characteristics which includes humans, monkeys and great apes.
  • Talking and communication has been seen in mammals, ranging from prairie dogs to humans.
  • Stick structures and rock stacks have been used by humans. Great apes may do this in a limited capacity.
  • Using the environment to blend in is an adaptation by many animals and humans.
  • Eye shine is seen in many animals.
  • Eels and fish use electricity. All life forms including humans generate energy and electricity.
  • Infra sound is used by many animals for many reasons. The tiger uses it in its roar to momentarily stun their prey. Elephants use it to communicate to each other over many miles.
This is a small list of what has been seen and reported about BigFoot. To say that it is impossible for these possibilities is preposterous. I have noticed that some of these BigFoot characteristics have both great ape and human traits. The DNA has shown that BigFoot has both unknown great ape and human genes. The BigFoot behaviors and characteristics were already telling us this. The DNA only confirms it. For something that is non-existent it is amazing how much information there is about them.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

There are reports of dogs being killed by BigFoot.  Many have wondered why?  As a person who gathers facts it became obvious to me why this would happen. 
  • Dogs are pets of humans. 
  • They are around humans.
  • Dogs have a keen sense of smell.
  • Dogs have a keen sense of hearing.
  • Dogs warn and protect humans.
  • Dogs are canines and related to wolves and coyotes.
The dog is a risk factor for BigFoot.  They want to remain undetected and a human with a dog the risk of detection is real.  As a being who lives to survive they will remove all risk factors.  It makes sense.  Not to us because dogs are our pet and we are not in a survival mode of existence.

Now you are wondering where am I going with this?  For a non-existent species we have quite a bit of information on this.  There are  documented reports including one that I have personally taken about BigFoot and dogs.  Dogs are killed by BigFoot.  I have no doubt about that.  Here are some reported facts about dogs in the presence of BigFoot:
  • Refusing to go outside when sounds of BigFoot vocalizations are heard or one is seen.
  • Crying, hiding and refusing to come out.
  • Outside and bolts to hide even if known to chase bear and mountain lions.
  • Submissive behaviors displayed for no reason.
  • Barks frantically and won't stop.
  • Runs away and refused to come back.
  • Tries to get owners to leave.  Keeps looking at a certain area.
The reason I bring this up is that I encountered this on Saturday.  I was out with other investigators.  We had heard 2 knocks.  A little while later we went back to our vehicles.  While talking, we noticed a man and his dog was walking towards us on the road.  We greeted each other when they got to us.  Friendly, happy dog.  As we are talking with the owner the dog's whole demeanor suddenly changed.  He hid behind my husband and then bolted into one of the vehicles.  This dog was so terrified he refused to leave the vehicle.  When he was dragged out by the owner and put on the ground he bolted under the vehicle.  Finally the owner picked him up and walked away.  He kept saying that the dog never did this before and must be tired.  When he put him down a little way away, the poor dog with his tail between his legs stayed behind and close as possible to the man.  It kept looking to the left and one time to the right.

How do you explain this behavior?  I knew there were at least 2 BigFoot around us.  The dog told us with his behavior and where it looked.  I have no doubt about that.  Where the dog looked was where we heard the knocks.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

I have argued my points about the existence of BigFoot here in North America now for many months.  I hopefully stated my position with logic and reasoning.  This subject to me is very real and close to my heart.  My research has discovered an elusive and fascinating bipedal primate who has been intelligent enough to fool our society now for over 400 years.  That alone boggles the mind.

I have some questions that I would like to have you mull over.  I'm thinking that these questions and how we tried to find answers may be a reason why we have been unable to unlock the mystery of this undocumented bipedal primate.

Why would something this big hide?

Why hide in the forest and woods of North America?

How can they hide so effectively?

How do they know when to avoid people?

How do they know to use certain tactics to scare people away?

Why can't we get a good photo of them?

How can they move around in the woods and forest in the dark?

Why make the sounds that are heard?

Where are the bodies and remains?

What is the importance of stick structures and tree breaks?

Why knock on wood and rock clack?  What is the purpose?

All these questions I have continue to ask myself with no real answers.  I have some theories but they are only educated guesses.  My amazement with what I have found and the growing list of unanswered questions intrigue me daily.  My logical brain is wanting good solid answers.  The reality is that I and others have no answers to these questions.  So my next question is WHY?

Maybe the reason is that we have been looking for a creature when we should be looking for a human type of being.  This may sound off the wall and maybe in the twilight zone but hear me out. 
  • They have been able to figure out how and when to elude people for hundreds of years.  They have been seen by a lucky few but as a whole they are invisible to our society.
  • Using superstition and fears that people have to keep them out of certain areas.
  • They have some type of communication with vocal sounds and use the environment to talk to each other.
  • How are they able to know when to stay hidden and when to flee?
  • How are they able to know that cameras and such devices are bad and to avoid them?
  • Why are prints so hard to find?  Why do they seem to be hidden or only one found?
  • Why do they watch people?  Look in windows or stand in the edge just in close enough to watch?
  • Why are they fascinated with women and children?  Why avoid men?
When I think on this it doesn't sound like an animal.  It sounds more human than a creature.  Maybe the key to discovering BigFoot is their humanity.  The idea blows my mind away. 

If they are not part of humanity why have the regular way of researching for animals have not work for BigFoot?  With our technology and knowledge of earth we should have discovered them like we have of gorillas and chimpanzees.

Again I think the key is using our humanity to unlock this mystery. 

Saturday, March 30, 2013

One dark, cold evening this week as I was in this tent using the facilities, I heard foot steps to the left.  They were very close. 

This is the facts:
  • Remote camping spot.
  • Only campers were us.  
  • Everyone was at the main tent area while I was in the blue tent.
  • Something on 2 feet was walking around.
  • The crunch sounds of the foot steps were from walking on the pinecones and bare ground and not on the snow.
  • It sounded very close.
  • The steps walked quickly away when I stood up.
  • Did not see or hear anything when I left the tent.
What are the possibilies of what I heard?
  • Everyone was accounted for during this time.
  • No possibilities of other campers.
  • Heard distinct bipedaled foot steps.  No doubt or question.
I heard distinct foot steps.  There was no doubt of what I heard.  There was something that was bipedaled walking around me while I was using the facilities.  A bit unnerving but exciting. 


Friday, March 22, 2013


Every living thing leaves some signs of their presence.  The 2 photos above are signs of beaver activity.  I never did see any but I know they are there by the prints and tree damage.

At another location, I took a picture of an impression of a bird swooping down and catching a small animal.  How do I know that this happened since I did not see it unfold?  The impression in the snow showed me.


This picture of a large tree that was pushed apart and down was found earlier in March.  It looked like it was done within the last month or two.  Where it was found and other signs found point to BigFoot.  I have been finding signs such as this along with large bare foot prints in this location now for over a year.
Just because I haven't seen one doesn't mean they are not there.  The signs do point to BigFoot activity and have been for quite a while.  Remember I never did see a beaver or the bird but the signs did point to their presence.  Why would this type of BigFoot evidence not be considered for further study? 

Friday, March 15, 2013

The greatest discoveries of science have always been those that forced us to rethink our beliefs about the universe and our place in it. 
~Robert L. Park, in The New York Times, 7 December 1999
I would like for you to look very carefully at the photo.  In the space between the 2 boulders there may be something.  You will see what looks like an outline of a right shoulder and leg.  What do you think about it?  Could this be our first picture of BigFoot?  I know when my husband took this picture and then reviewed it, he was very excited.  He had me look at the picture and asked me to tell him if I saw anything.  I saw the outline immediately.
FYI-Before this picture was taken we had heard some movements back behind our gifting rock.  My husband climbed up on a boulder and took some pictures in that direction.  We were thinking that we caught one peeking. 
My goal in my research is to find real evidence of BigFoot.  As a researcher I want to verify my evidence.  So the next time we were there we went to the spot and looked.  What did I find?  The spot under the boulders was much smaller than we thought.  Only about 4 feet tall.  The outline was a rock behind the 2 boulders.  At first I was disappointed but then I realized that validating my evidence is a priority.  Going back to retake pictures or search the location helps validate my findings.  It should be a priority of every researcher to go back and check your findings.
What if I never went back to check?  I would have a picture that is false data.  Being methodical and diligent should be part of every researcher repertoire. 
I now show this pictures to people when speaking to point out that not everything you take a picture of is BigFoot and that you need to go back and recheck your work.  
Showing shadows and blurred images does not help convince people about the existence of a bipedal primate in our woods and forest.  Validated evidence and research will.  It is time to stop promoting these types of images.