Sunday, October 13, 2013

This blog was set up to state my reasons why there are Sasquatch in our woods and forests here in North America.  In my past posts I have tried to use sound reasons and evidence to back up this blog.  I have challenged our science community to at least look into this mystery even if it is to prove that they are not real but just a figment of people's imagination. 

I know there are people out there perpetuating hoaxes and some who are outright lying about this issue.  My stance is based on what I have personally found, seen and heard this past 2 years.  Just with what I have found, seen and heard leaves no doubt but a definite knowledge that there is a bipedal primate lurking in our woods and forests. 

With this in mind I have the below photos for you to look at.  At first glance you would think it is possible that this is BigFoot related but with a closer inspection it is apparent that it isn't.  Not everything I find is BigFoot related.  In fact most of what I find is not.  What I have collected that point to BigFoot over the past 2 years is only a very small percentage of things I have looked at.  These photos were taken while out investigating this past weekend.  The reason I did take the pictures so I would have a reference to show the difference.

The truth will set you free.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Knowledge will Set You Free

For almost 2years I have been actively searching for Sasquatch.  I went from being an arm chair researcher to boots on the ground researcher.  I started out doing this by myself to now being part of a wonderful group of like-minded researchers. I have scars of my tumbles trying traverse the rugged and steep terrains that the elusive bipedal primate likes to reside in.  My pocketbook is stretched thin because this is not a cheap endeavor.  My wardrobe is mostly jeans and camo.  My world revolves around the weekend and sometimes a week here and there camping in the mountains.  Once I discovered sleeping cots, now enjoy very basic and rustic camping.  Learned that not everything you see and hear is BigFoot related.  In fact most of what you see and hear is not BigFoot.

Why I bring these up is to make the point that this is a hard endeavor with not much return.  My reward is the 19 inch print down by the stream or seeing 3 Sasquatch come in to peek at what I and 3 other people was leaving for them to eat.  Or the friendship of fellow researchers.  If this was easy then there would be no mystery or questions about this amazing bipedal primate.

I have no doubt about the existence of an eight foot tall, hairy bipedal primates residing here in our woods and forests.  I have seen, smelled and heard them.  I have seen physical evidence of their presence.  It is not a belief but a knowledge.

I would not have spent my time or money on an endeavor such as this unless it is true.  In fact within the first 6 months if I had no results, I would have quit this endeavor.  My analytical and practical mind would not have wanted to continue to do something that had no credible evidence.

So before you dismiss or ridicule my knowledge, I contend that you have no basis to do this unless you have done what I have done.  This endeavor was not a weekend here or there but being out in the field almost every weekend seeking the truth.