Monday, May 28, 2012

Why is There No Bones or Remains or Photos?

When I have been exploring the forests in my state why haven't I found bones of deer or elk?  Coyote?  Beaver?  Bear?  Turkey Vultures? Or other animals that is known?  There must be no deer or other animals in the woods since I haven't found any bones or remains.

Nature has a cleaning system in place to keep the environment safe for creatures and plants.  Things decompose or are eaten in a short period of time.    

If you have a small number of a type of animal in the forest, the chances of finding anything is very slim.  It is luck more than anything else.  It took  a wildlife photographer 2 years to film a few minutes of the snow leopard in the wild.  Most films on wildlife is a collection of shots by the photographers over a period of time.  It takes time, patience, lucky timing and careful placement of the photographer.  Why should this be different for a bipedal primate?

The bipedal primate here in North America is smart.  I am talking human smart.  They have been eluding detection for over 400 years.  I think it is part of their DNA.  Humans have not been very smart in detecting this primate.  Using techniques on regular wildlife will not work.  The proof is what we have so far.  We need to rethink our strategies and think smarter.  This is easier said than done.


Thursday, May 24, 2012

In my last post, I challenged people to do some research on the subject.  I have read books that ridicule believers of a bipedal primate in our woods and forests here in America and Canada.  Most who do this have not done any research on the subject.  They have rejected the idea out of hand because of some famous hoaxes that happened in the past.  My questions to this:

  • If you use this as your reason to why there are no bipedal primates, what is the proof of hoaxers involved?  Most do it for publicity.  The sheer number of people involved would be huge.
  • Where are they? 
  • Proof of what they used?  Pictures? 
  • Where?  Does it correspond with all the sightings made?

There have been hoaxers and it will continue.  That is why you must examine what is presented with an open mind but with a skeptic heart.  Does that makes sense?  In other words, you need to listen, think is this plausible and examine what is actually presented.  Most hoaxes are fairly easy to spot.  Thank goodness.

My next challenge to you.  Why allow uninformed people make what you believe about the possibility of a bipedal primate here in North America?  Circumstantial evidence here in our country convicts criminals.  Sometimes that is all you have until new technology and research can help. 

I have talked with a family who had interactions with a family of bipedal primates for 5 years.  One family member saw one only once in that time.  There is no doubt with this family about Big Foot.  You would be surprised at the demographics of this family.  This is not some illiterate, superstitious people but an educated white collar family.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

There is information out there.  Just a little digging and research will go a long way.  What surprised me the most was the sheer volume on this subject.  One of the best books I have read is John Green's "BigFoot-On the Track of the Sasquatch."  He was a Canadian journalist in the 1970's who started to investigate giant barefoot foot prints found by people.  He was so surprised at the lack of interest by the scientific community.  Why?  This book is out of print but I was able to buy it on Amazon.  It was worth every penny.

I enjoy watching Monster Quest and other shows that talk about this subject.  At Halloween time there was a slew of shows on this subject.  I had a hard time picking which ones to watch.  I always keep an open mind that will question everything said in the shows.  Back it up and remember that true researchers are not in it for the glory or money.

I feel that every person who is investigating this subject needs to be a skeptic at heart.  Some people want to believe so hard that they believe everything.  You need to have a Prove-It-To-Me-Attitude.  That way you are able to shift through the information you have gathered.  Not everything you hear or read is believable.  Does that sound strange coming from someone who believes that there is a primate living in our woods and forests?  It shouldn't.  I did my research and found enough credible evidence to believe that there is something BIG, HAIRY and UPRIGHT walking around in our forests.   

I challenge you to do the same.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

With the 3 questions in mind I had to come up with a game plan.  I wanted to know what is out there in our forests and anything about Big Foot.  Thank goodness for google.  Just a few key words and my journey of discovery began. 

I found websites with sighting reports.  I was hooked.  I have read hundreds of them.  I had 3 categories about the sightings.  Unbelievable, not sure and credible.  The criteria was applied to all that I read.  2/3's of the sighting fell into unbelievable and not sure.  The rest were credible because they were law enforcement, firemen, biologists/scientist, rangers and hunters/guides.  What do you do with the 1/3 of the sightings that are credible?  This is not 1 or 2 but many, many more.  Maybe hundred +.

I went to my local library to look for any information on any old stories on a hermit/recluse, ghost in the hills or monster.  I hit pay dirt!  In the local paper in the 1950's there was a Plum Creek Monster that fits the description of Big Foot.  I also found 2 other monster reports dating from the late 1800's  and 1970's.  All had the same characteristics: hairy, BIG and upright.  Another common point is Pike National Forest.

We have oral history about the wild man in the mountains from many of the Native American cultures.  I don't know about you but I know that the Native Americans are experts about their surroundings and who lives there.  Many had special names for them and would not go into their known areas.  There was a reason for the Native Americans to revere and fear them.  They lived with them hundreds of years before we came with our guns and superior attitude.

We have written journals from Spanish explorers, American explorers and early settlers that commented on inhabitants in the mountains, huge barefoot prints in the dead of winter and ungodly sounds in the middle of the night.  These are people who are adept in the wilderness.

Stuff like this made me think and ask myself more questions.  Are people programed to think that they are seeing monsters which some so called experts say happens in every culture?  Or maybe they heard, saw something they can't explain?  Or maybe they imagined it?  I don't know about you but when someone tells me that I am only imagining what I saw, it diminishes your character.

Just trying to get the background on Big Foot has been enlightening and addictive.  I thought Big Foot was something from the 1960's.  It is amazing what a little research will find.  

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Before we start this journey, I have one question that has plagued me from the beginning. Why is the scientific community so resistant to the concept of a primate living in our forests?

  • Why are there persistent reports of sightings and footprints here in the United States and Canada that go back 400 years? 

  • Are regular Americans and Canadians who report the sightings and footprints a bunch of superstitious folks? 

  • Are they just hoaxes?

I have asked these questions about the Big Foot/Sasquatch mystery for many years.  For the last year I have researched this mystery with the last 3 questions as my basis.  I would like to take you through what I have found.  My research has made me go from what?  To yes, there is something out there in our forests.  I tend to be a skeptic.  I want facts not mumble jumble.  My poor family is not sure what to think.  They know I am not into paranormal or superstitious.

The wonderful thing about history is that we have a chance to learn from mistakes/missteps or see the absurd that had happened in the past.  In Christopher Columbus' time the experts were adamant about the earth being flat.  Experts said that the platypus was fake when the first specimens were sent to England.  Reports of the hairy bushman in the late 1800's and early 1900's from local people in Africa were considered superstitious stories.  Guess what?  The mountain gorilla was discovered.  Sound familiar?  Mountain gorillas even in this day and age are very hard to find.  You need a guide.  I brought these facts up to make a point.  We do not know everything.  There are still species and mysteries waiting to be discovered!