Sunday, September 30, 2012

In my research area I have been finding stuff like this.  I literally find hundreds of fallen trees, broken trees,  logs, branches and other stuff you would associate with being in the forest.  It is the stuff that I find that were made by something or an impression in a remote area that there is no answer to if there is not a bipedal primate. 
Deer, mountain lion or bear are not able to pick up big branches and wedge them between 2 trees or build a structure.  Something or someone is making these.  I found no evidence of people in the area.  This place is rugged and steep.
I know what made these but do you?

Saturday, September 22, 2012

In my endeavor to discover the mystery of Big Foot, I have found tree breaks in spots where you are not expecting in conjunction to natural causes.  I have found these tree breaks in specific locations that are linked to Big Foot activity.  Tree damage by wind, man-made or damage by known animals such as deer, mountain lion or bear have certain similarities when you find them.  All of them have distinct signs including Big Foot.   
Out in the field, all of my finds were found in the forest, by a water source and in/next to a ravine.  How do you explain this?  This is a pattern that is consistent.  I have been able to go into a new area and apply this pattern.  So far Big Foot activity have been found.  The signs are there for a supposedly non-existent species.  How do you explain this?  I am a skeptic at heart but I am not stupid.   If I can find and apply certain patterns to find something, it tells me that there is something out there.  I know there is a bipedal primate in our woods and forest.
So far I have talked about the history of sightings, primate behavior and now consistent patterns of  signs of Big Foot.  There is enough here to warrant an official scientific search. 
A primate has just been discovered in the forest of Africa.  The local people have always known and talked about it.  Just because it has been officially discovered recently doesn't mean it wasn't there before the discovery.  It was there the whole time!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

So I came across this while climbing around an area that I suspect a group of Big Foot resides.  This was at least 20 inches long!  This is the biggest print that I have found.  So far I have found 14, 16 and 17 inch sized prints.  I have also found some smaller but they could be human-that is if they walk in a clothes line pattern. 
My husband was a die hard non-believer when I started on this quest.  He has been coming with me for the last 9-10 months.  He has seen and heard what I have seen and heard.  He was humoring me and being a good husband so I was not alone in the forest while investigating.  He has gone from no way to they are out there.  I did not have to prove anything to him.  He was completely in the dark about this bipedal primate.  Now he can spot Big Foot evidence quicker than I can.
Our world is alive and mysterious.  It is waiting for people to go out there and explore.  Will you be the next Christopher Columbus?