Sunday, November 10, 2013

I have in the past talked about the eye shine that is Sasquatch related.  I feel that it is an important adaptation of them.  This is one area that is so unique and special that makes you wonder.  I do not know of another primate that has this ability but I feel that it is a viable and believable adaptation for them.  There are other species on earth that adapted to use electricity such as eels and fish in a unique way.  If you can find it in nature then it is possible.  All species including us generate electricity.  Apparently there are some that have evolved and adapted to use this energy to their advantage.

The big question-Why?

If you are nocturnal, a hunter and live in an environment that is densely forested then using electricity would make sense.  Why do we use flashlights?

It is such a wonder when you see the eye shine.  This past year I have seen this eye shine on many occasions at different places.  I have seen them dim and close to the ground; moving while looking at me; see one then two.  Some so bright I saw the outline of the head and shoulders.  Recently close within 50 feet I had seen the top outline of the head while moving towards me and changing colors from white to red and then white.  Several times at different locations I have seen them change colors from white to green to red and then white.

What is amazing is that there was no lights or flashlights used anywhere in the area which is in the middle of the forest.  What you see is not a reflection of light but a projection of light aimed at you.  They looked like LED lights.  The colors I have seen have been white, blue, green and red.  Several times I have seen all those colors from one eye shine but mostly white.

Why have I mention this aspect of Sasquatch several times now in my blog?  I feel strongly that this adaptation should be viewed as one of their physical characteristics.  This is a unique adaptation that needs further study.  I am still amazed and awed every time I have the privilege to see this in action while out investigating.

Please remember that the animals from Australia were so unique and different when discovered that many in the science community refused to believe them.  They dissected them to make sure that someone did not sew bits and pieces together thinking they were hoaxes. 


Our world is still mysterious and have many undiscovered stuff just waiting for us to discover.  Keeping an open mind and having the drive to discover the mysteries is still needed.  So go ahead and research the mystery of Sasquatch.  This addictive mystery will compel you to discover more about this amazing bipedal primate.

So my friends I will continue to state why there are bipedal primates in our woods and forest.  I know they are in there.  DO YOU?

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