Saturday, August 11, 2012

The idea of a bipedal primate in our woods and forests may seem impossible but if you look at the environments of our woods and forests it can sustain them.  There are primates in South America, Africa and Asia.  Why wouldn't there be some here?  Many animals including man crossed into North America when it was connected to Asia.  The possibilities are there.  We have oral history of these bipedal primates from the Native Americans, sightings and journals/newspaper accounts for the last 400+ years.

Why write it off as wild imaginations or superstitions?  There is a pattern here and most in the scientific community will do nothing.  Again why? 

I have found a bare foot impression that is 17 inches long and 7 inches wide.  My hand is 7 1/2 inches long and 3 inches wide.

I have found a nest/structure that is massive.  The interior is about 6'x10'.  Large trees and branches used that were not cut by axes or saws.  Just broken or peeled.  The side branches woven into each other.  Huge trees made into beams on top with other trees woven and anchored to make a roof.  A huge tree bent over and anchored to another tree as a base of this structure.  This was purposely made by something very strong and very smart. 

Bear?  Deer?  Mountain Lion?  Elk?  Rabbit?  Ground Squirrels?  Owls?  Hawks?  Flies?  Grasshoppers?  Ants? 

To me it makes sense that there is something out in our woods and forest who is very strong and human smart.

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