Sunday, August 18, 2013

There have been people who will say that there is no possible way that we could have a bipedal primate because the environment cannot support one much less a group of them.  Most people who use this argument have not done their research into the environment of our woods and forest here in North America or primate behaviors.  We have enough space and an eco-system varied enough to support them.  They are opportunistic eaters.  In other words if it is edible they will eat it.  Much like a bear. 

The Native Americans and early settlers have lived off the land.  It is possible to do this.  What our forest friends have to their advantage is the possession of cunning human smart intelligence.  Another big advantage any primate has is the ability to adapt to the conditions of their environment.  If supplies are low then they will go where there is food sources.  Rural communities have for many years reported seeing them.  Garbage cans, dumps, pet food left on porches, gardens and domesticated livestock are all available.  Using stealth and keeping to the shadows is their specialty.  Their biggest advantage is not being "real".  They are in a survival mode of existence.  They will do what they need to do in order to survive.

I like it when so called experts will throw out what they call valid reasons of why there isn't a bipedal primate here in North America.  This so-called valid reason of the environment not able to support them is not so valid once you look at the facts.

I am debunking one reason at a time.  Too bad our science community will not take the time to actually look at the mystery of Big Foot.  Even to try to scientifically debunking it would be more professional than throwing out ridiculous reasons of why there is no Big Foot.       

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Aside from my faith in God as a Christian and my family, I have 2 great passions in my life.  One is the welfare of children and the mystery of Big Foot.  Now you must be wondering why these two passions and if there is a reason.

I feel strongly that all children are our future.  We have a moral obligation to protect and nurture them to the best of our abilities.  Our society has not done what is best for all our children and it should be a priority.  It is time for us to stand up and be their voice.

"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." ~Martin Luther King, Jr

A wise and smart man.  Too bad his life was taken before his time.  His voice was what our country needed to hear whether we wanted to hear it or not.  Hate and bigotry is a waste of time, emotions and efforts.  It is much better to spend our time on good things such as tolerance of the differences in our culture. 

The reason I bring this up is because I feel we are on the edge of officially discovering Big Foot.  There are many in the field that are diligently trying to bring about this discovery.  I have mixed emotions about this.  The main reason I have the mixed emotions is by looking back at how our society has handled big discoveries or big events.  Our track record is downright horrible.  Our society is more into the sensational and the big news than anything else.  What could happen to this shy, elusive bipedal primate scares me.

I have done my research and have found enough evidence to convince me that there is a bipedal primate here in North America.  I have no doubt.  Would I share certain evidence such as a real good photo of one or a video is a real dilemma.   My love of discovery has been surpassed by my feelings of protectiveness towards this species.  I will cross that hurdle when it happens. 

I challenge anyone who has an open mind to go research this fascinating mystery.  Just reading the sightings reported by ordinary folks like you or me will make you want to read more.  Looking at the evidence collected by groups out there will make you think.  Reading the stories from Native Americans and First Nations People will grab your attention.

Go ahead and expand your world to the possibilities.

Yes, there is a bipedal primate out there that is 8 feet tall and hairy.  Probably peeking at you while you are picnicking or camping.  The rustle in the bushes at a local state or federal park may have one coming in for a closer look.  Just remember that I told you about them.  Try not to scream when you see one.