Tuesday, June 4, 2013

My question to you:

"If there is no such thing as a Big Foot.  Why am I able to go into areas using data obtained over many years that points to the presence of them and find physical evidence?"

I had some family friends come in this week and wanted to go squatching.  With other investigators we went into an area that has been visited many times for the last 5 years.  While there we ventured into a new area and experienced many things that points to their presence.

If they are not real we would not be finding evidence such as a foot print or hair.  How do you explain this?  If my imagination is seeing what I want to see then the prints, structures and other physical signs should not be found.  I have seen and heard many things that I can't prove and many would say I think I saw/heard it.  But when you combine both the physical and what I have seem/heard it is hard to point to it being my imagination.

I am a skeptic at heart.  The reason I started to look for the evidence of Big Foot is because I wanted to see the evidence first hand and not from other people.  I know what I have collected/seen/heard and experienced.  With this and what others have investigated have convinced me that there is a bipedal primate in our woods and forest.  There is not another explanation that would answer what I have investigated other than a Big Foot.

Many may believe but I know that Big Foot does reside in our woods and forest in North America.  Whether you believe what I know doesn't matter because I have the evidence that proves it.   

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