Monday, January 19, 2015

With this blog I have tried to use sound thinking and reasoning that is backed up with some of the physical evidence that I have collected to make my case about the real presence of Bigfoot here in North America.  Specifically here in Colorado.  I do want to state that I have no doubt of them being real and living in the woods and forest.  So my perspective comes from my knowledge and not based on belief of their existence.  There is a difference.  This knowledge will influence how I talk and argue about them being a real and living species.  So keep this in mind because I have gone from trying to prove their existence to wanting to learn more about them.  That is a major factor in my thought process in regards to this elusive bipedal primate.  What they are exactly and how they fall into the primate category is still a big question.  At this point I know they are alive and living at least here in Colorado but I strongly suspect they live elsewhere in North America.

I will be honest and tell you that I have seen them several times over 1 1/2 years.  I have no photographs or videos to back this up.  Just an eye witness account.  I have been lucky and being in the right place has been a major reason for my visuals.  There are times I have gone back and reviewed  my sightings.  Making sure they were not a figment of my imagination or miss identification.  Why would I do this?  I do this to make sure I am being honest with myself and my fellow SIR investigators.  When I do this it helps me keep a perspective on what I have seen and experienced.  These reviews have cemented my knowledge and helped me while gathering evidence out in the field.  What did I see?
  1. I saw upright hair covered primates.  The upright stance seemed natural and comfortable.  No bobbing or staggering.  Some of them had long hair on their heads and around their shoulders.  One was a female-I could tell from looking that it had the characteristics of a female.
  2. There was movements with most of my sightings:  Moving back and forth from one foot to the other, bending down, turning to look in another direction, moving it's head, leaning away from the tree, walking away and moving back into the tree cover. 
  3. Different coloring and on one the face was lighter than the rest of it. 
  4. The faces were a face of a primate.  They look similar but were different.
  5. They were very big.  In fact a couple of my visuals were huge.  Outside the range of normal people.
Did I surprise you with the details?  It shouldn't.  These visuals were real and I saw them.  One visual I had I was thinking I was looking at a woman with long hair until I realized that it was covered all over with brown hair.  ????  While watching her, I visually marked where her head was by the pine and when she left I went over there and measured where her head was.  7 feet tall!  When you look at what I had seen, there would be no doubt it was not a bear or mountain lion or deer or elk or another person.  Not a figment of my imagination.  It is what it is-Sasquatch. 
It makes you think.  

Thursday, January 1, 2015

As I ponder about the new year, it makes me look back at what was in the past.  The more I explore into the mystery of Bigfoot to try to make sense of this bipedal primate, the more questions I have.

The first thing I would like to point out are the stories that fishermen and sailors have told about a giant squid.  There have been illustrations about this monster that were drawn and painted by people hundreds and maybe even a thousand years ago.  This was done in different parts of the world.  The fishermen off the Baja California coast had been talking about them for hundreds of years.  The science community has always scoffed at these tales as wild stories of an ocean monster.  Well, guess what?  These so called superstitious locals were right.  There are giant squid in the ocean.  I imagine they are in other parts of the world in other oceans.  Why?  Because there are stories about them there too.

So my questions I have been pondering now for several weeks are the stories told in the medieval and the dark ages about monsters.  Two that come to mind are dragons and hairy giants.  What do I make of this in light of what I have learn over the past 3 years?  Never say never.

So my questions are:

What if the hairy monsters depicted in ancient times were hominids such as a Sasquatch-type of species?

Could they have been all over the world and not just in North America or Asia?

Could they still be in the areas where the stories and pictures have been created?

What if they are real and not just superstitious stories?

What about dragons?

Why would they have detail descriptions of dragons on several continents?

Have similar descriptions of dragons in ancient times?  Before mass communication?

I ask these questions because you should never discount local stories and their shared common knowledge that is passed down through the generations.  To have similar descriptions and stories from different continents from ancient times which correspond to similar stories and descriptions in North America and Asia.   This should make us want to delve into the mysteries more and not to discount them.  Not to laugh or dismiss it as superstition.  Never say never.

So could these fantastic stories I have learned and read may be based on a real species?

NEVER SAY NEVER because our science community and experts have been discounting locals and regular folks for over a thousand years.  They have been proven wrong again and again.  It seems to me that being a so called expert may put blinders on many.  Having an enquiring and an open mind should be a hallmark for science since this field was founded on the premise of trying to answer the mystery of our planet.  I am not saying that being educated and science-oriented is a negative.  What I am saying is that our world is full of mystery and you need to have an open mind to the possibilities that are still hidden.

Never say never...