Saturday, July 20, 2013

If you have done any Big Foot research or have read eye witness accounts, you may have heard about eyes glowing.  The Native Americans have made references and also people in the 1800 and 1900's have stated about seeing glowing eyes.  This is one of those references that seem unbelievable.  It seems to be unnatural to us.  In the past posts I have stated that if it happens in nature somewhere then it is possible.  We have examples of fish, eels and insects generating electricity to glow or to zap.  They have evolved and adapted to use electricity that all living things make as energy.  To say it is impossible for a primate to do this is not for us to make assumptions about.  Our world has time and time again has proven our assumptions wrong.  Instead of dismissing this assumption our science community should be looking into this possibility even to prove it wrong.

The reason I bring this up again is to discuss what I have witnessed several times while out investigating Big Foot.  As a person who values tangible proof and evidence this is one area that I have to use eye witness accounts including myself.  I have no tangible evidence such as a photo for what I have personally witnessed.  Whether you choose to believe is up to you.  I am secure in what I have seen to believe that it is possible.  Let me go into detail of what I have seen.  This happened at the same location at 4 different times.  It is in a National Forest where people do not live.  Hours away from any major city and over 25 miles from any town.  It is remote and a wilderness area.

The first time was in March.  It had snowed a couple of days before we went there.  The only tracks were our cars going into that location.  We were around the campfire one night.  I kept seeing a set of glowing lights close to the ground.  They would flicker from red to white.  They reminded me of twinkling stars or LED lights only close to the ground.  One of the investigators walked over there.  They went bright red and then white.  At one point I saw 3 separate set of lights.  Then they were gone.  When you walked over to where I saw them it was just the forest.  No cars or houses.  We were the only ones in there.  ??

The second time was the first week in June.  We had some family friends visit and wanted to go.  We went to a known spot where eye shine has been seen.  Again I saw twinkling lights that would go from red to white.  Sometimes when one of the investigators talked they would go bright and then back to the twinkling shine.  We saw this to the right of us, in front and to our left.  ???

The third time was at the end of June on Summer Solstice.  We went down to the known area again.  Almost immediately we saw eye shine.  We also saw a glow that resembles what you would see from cities from a distance at night only there is no city there, it was much closer, it was in the forest and not on the horizon.  At one point the other investigator said there was eye shine right behind me, big and about 4 feet above me.  I am only 5'4"!  I had heard something behind me and I also had seen big eye shine a few minutes before in front of me.  It had moved behind me and was close!  On this night I had seen what I would call amazing eye shine.  The eye shine was so bright that I saw the outline of the head and shoulders.  This eye shine was moving!  This happened 3-4 times.  When spoken to, the eye shine would get even bigger, sometimes change colors and then go back.  I could tell when they moved their heads.  I would see 2, then one and then 2 again.  ????

The fourth time was just over a week ago.  My husband wanted to go.  We went down to the known area again.  We saw eye shine but it was more like what was seen in March and the first part of June.  We saw up to 3 sets of eye shine but it was not the amazing bright eye shine seen 3 weeks before.  Still it was something to see.  ????? 

Before you dismiss what I have witnessed, let me tell you that I have walked over to where the eye shine had been seen to check.  It was just the forest.  No campsites or people or houses anywhere.  I am the type of person who wants real evidence.  Made up, imagined or false facts is not what I am about.  To prove the existence of this amazing bipedal primate, I will only present real facts and what I have truly witnessed.  Nothing else.  I don't have time for anything else.  And in the end it doesn't help and would hurt my research.

So I hope I have given you something to think about.  My research through found physical evidence such as prints, hair and tree structures and also what I have witnessed have pointed to a bipedal primate living here in the woods and forest of Colorado.  


Friday, July 5, 2013

Similar Big Foot evidence found hundreds of mile apart in Colorado.

This blog was designed to have you think outside the box, question the science community and to look at the real evidence that is waiting for you to ponder about the mystery of Big Foot.  As a person who loves to solve puzzles and research mysteries I hope I have compelled you to do this.  I like to look at all the facts and let the facts speak for themselves.  There are 3 things that jumped out to me when I started my research into the mystery of Big Foot.  One-They are in every state except Hawaii.  Two-there are some real compelling evidence from credible witnesses.  Three-The similarities of certain information in the sightings and reports that spans hundreds of years.  Starting with the Native Americans through modern times.

Through my research and my own physical searching I have drawn the conclusion that there are bipedal primates living in the woods and forest of North America.  I know they are there.  How they have been able to elude our mainstream society for hundreds of years cannot be explained by me.  The only answer I have is that they are related to both great apes and human and that may be the key.  They are human smart and have evolved to remain out of sight of our human world.  Only a lucky few have had the privilege to have some type of interaction with this elusive primate.

In the month of June I have had the distinct privilege to experience finding similar evidence in 2 different locations hundreds of miles apart.  As the person who collected this evidence I know where they were found and saw both pieces of evidence with my eyes.  There was no chance this was mistaken identity or a fabrication.

At the beginning of June, I was out investigating with some others when some black hair was found.  It was collected by me.  I measured and took pictures of it.  There is no doubt it is hair and not fur. 

At the end of June while looking at a known Big Foot resting spot, I found a black hair.  This location is hundreds of miles apart from the other location.

What are the odds of finding similar evidence in a forest setting hundreds of miles apart?  Since I know the circumstances of both locations I know it was extreme luck that this happened.  I should have bought a lottery ticket.

Both hairs have taper ends.  You can see that the ends have never been cut like you would see in human hair.  Bear fur is much shorter and thicker.  I cannot think of another living being in the forest who would have hair and is black.

Let the evidence speak for itself.  This is one of those compelling pieces that has helped to convince me about Big Foot.